Press Releases

Warner Statement on King v. Burwell

300,000 Virginians will be able to keep their coverage after the Supreme Court upholds tax credits

Jun 25 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in King v. Burwell ruling that individuals who get their health insurance through exchanges established by the federal government will remain eligible for tax subsidies:

“Today’s 6-3 decision preserves affordable health care coverage for more than 300,000 Virginians who purchased coverage through the federal exchange. This is the second time the nation’s highest court has validated our country’s important shift  toward affordable and accessible health care for everyone. I consistently have said there are many ways we could improve the Affordable Care Act. I really hope today’s ruling allows us as a country to move beyond divisive attacks and come together to work to improve health care quality, access, and affordability.”

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