Press Releases

WASHINGTON. D.C. –- U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, has successfully amended the FY2011 Budget Resolution to require performance and accountability measurements to more closely monitor stimulus spending and to track the progress of the healthcare reform initiative.

An additional Warner amendment would urge Congress to cut spending on unnecessary or wasteful programs that have been identified by the Office of Management and Budget, with any savings designated for deficit reduction.

Warner, the chairman of the Committee’s Task Force on Government Performance, received broad, bipartisan support for all three of his budget amendments during Thursday’s committee mark-up of the FY2011 Budget Resolution.

“The health care reform package will be one of the largest implementation challenges our government has ever seen,” said Senator Warner. “We have to ensure that we effectively measure the immediate and long-term benefits of these reforms, and maintain the focus on controlling health care costs. “Our second amendment will help us keep better track of stimulus dollars to make sure the funds are being spent responsibly and managed carefully. And, since it is nearly impossible to end funding for existing programs, my third amendment allows us to finally put an end to programs targeted for elimination by both Presidents Obama and Bush.”

Under the Bush and Obama Administrations, the Office of Management and Budget identified at least 18 programs from six federal agencies for elimination, potentially saving taxpayers approximately $1 billion. Senator Warner’s third amendment would allow any savings captured from the termination of such programs to be applied to deficit reduction.

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