Press Releases

Senator Warner to join Senator Cornyn as co-chair of Senate's India Caucus

Sen. Warner will succeed Sen. Dodd as co-chairman of Senate’s India Caucus

Nov 18 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) announced today that he will join Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) as a co-chair of the Senate India Caucus in January, succeeding Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), who is retiring at the end of the year.

“Building upon our strong relationship with India makes smart strategic sense for our nation and good economic sense for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and I look forward to working closely with my colleagues to strengthen this important relationship,” Sen. Warner said. “In 2005, I was the first U.S. governor to lead a trade delegation to India, and I developed a lot of respect for India’s fast-growing and vibrant economy. I also have worked closely for many years with leading entrepreneurs in the Indian-American IT community, so I have a deep appreciation for India’s prominent role in Virginia’s future economic success.”

“I have known Senator Warner for many years and I can think of no better person to take on this leadership role, as Co-Chair of the Senate India Caucus,” said Sen. Dodd. “Senator Warner has a full and deep understanding of the challenges America faces both at home and abroad. I am confident that through working to improve the strategic relationship between the United States and India, Senator Warner can help grow our economy, and create a more stable and prosperous world.”

“I am pleased to welcome Senator Warner as co-chair of the U.S. Senate India Caucus. I look forward to working with him to advance our relationship with India, which will help ensure a prosperous future for both nations,” said Sen. Cornyn. “It remains clear that the United States and India share a commitment to freedom, representative government, free market principles, and the war against terror. In the 112th Congress, the Senate India Caucus will continue to serve as a forum for U.S. Senators and Indian leaders to expand on areas of agreement and, where necessary, candidly discuss issues of concern.”

The Senate India Caucus is a bipartisan coalition that brings national attention to domestic and international issues that affect our economies and security. Formed in 2004 by Sens. John Cornyn and Hillary Clinton (D-NY), it was the first country-focused caucus established in the Senate. It promotes a relationship between India and the United States, based on mutual trust and respect, to increase close collaboration across a broad spectrum of strategic interests, such as combating terrorism and promoting democracy, economic development, human rights, scientific research, and natural disaster relief.

Virginia exports to India in 2009 increased 50% to a combined $284 million, led by coal ($139 million), paper and paperboard products (almost $22 million) and electrical and industrial machinery (combined $37 million), according to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

This announcement comes on the heels of the President’s recent trip to India, which was another significant step forward for the increasingly important U.S. – India relationship. Calling India the “market of the future,” the President announced business agreements that total nearly $15 billion, including military and commercial aircraft and industrial turbines that are expected to create or support 54,000 jobs in the United States.

In addition, the President announced the lifting of specific export control restrictions to generate additional trade, as well as U.S. support for India’s bid to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Also announced were numerous agreements to strengthen defense cooperation between the two nations, the world’s two largest democracies. India currently holds more bilateral defense exercises with the United States than any of its other partner nations.

Also announced was an agreement to establish a joint U.S.-India clean energy research and development center in New Delhi to complete research in solar, biofuels, and energy efficiency. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed to launch a Global Center for Nuclear Energy Partnership to foster cooperation in India’s civilian nuclear program, promote nuclear security, and address threats of nuclear terrorism.

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