Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner  and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) are now accepting applications for the position of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia to succeed Dana Boente, who resigned on Thursday effective upon the confirmation of a successor. After receipt of applications, the Senators will select from the list of qualified attorneys to recommend for President Trump’s nomination. The White House will then nominate individuals to be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The nominations are subject to confirmation by the full Senate.

“U.S. Attorneys play an integral role in protecting a geographically diverse region on a wide range of issues – from human trafficking, narcotics, and gang violence to white collar crime and public corruption,” said the Senators. “We are grateful for Dana Boente’s public service, and look forward to reviewing qualified candidates and selecting the right individual for this significant role.”

Interested applicants should visit Senator Warner’s website for application instructions. The application period will close November 17, 2017.
