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Sen. Warner on the Administration’s new regulatory strategy

~ “We can and should go further” ~

Jan 18 2011

Senator Warner, who recently called for a “pay as you go” approach to reduce unnecessary, duplicative and outdated government regulations, offered support today for the President’s Executive Order outlining a new regulatory strategy and urged the Administration to move even more aggressively to cut unnecessary government red tape.
Senator Warner joined Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair today at a CNBC conference on removing obstacles to lending to America’s small businesses. Senator Warner also spoke about a new tool from the FDIC to give small businesses a “second look” when loans are denied.
Yesterday, Senator Warner met with women veterans in Hampton and Richmond to discuss the recent release of a study that showed women are much more likely than male veterans to be denied care for PTSD.

The latest on JFCOM

Jan 07 2011

Senator Warner says Hampton Roads-based Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) will be renamed, retooled, refocused and resized – but the bipartisan Virginia delegation worked together to save about half of the 4,000 JFCOM jobs in Hampton Roads that were originally targeted for elimination.