
Sen. Warner hosted a Twitter town hall today, along with Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, to discuss the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act of 2013, which they have introduced along with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.  The bipartisan legislation would make a wide range of vital comparative data  about higher education programs available to prospective students and their families.

The Senators fielded questions from Virginia, Oregon, and many places in between. 

Some questioners were curious if the bill would protect their privacy:

Others were concerned about whether the bill would impose an undue burden on colleges and universities.  Sen. Warner explained that the legislation could in many cases actually reduce their burden:

Some Twitter followers just wanted to express their support:

After nearly an hour of taking on questions and concerns, re-tweeting relevant posts, and reading others’ #TalkHigherEd conversations, the Senators signed off.  Sen. Warner promised to keep talking about how the Know Before You Go bill can help students and their families.