
Senator Warner appeared on WHSV yesterday to discuss the automatic spending cuts due to hit on Friday, March 1. 

Asked what he was doing to try and avert the cuts, Senator Warner detailed legislation that members of the Senate plan to put forward before the deadline.

“We’ll put up a plan in the Senate that will be half cuts half revenues,” said Senator Warner, “that I think will be a better option than…these [sequestration] cuts that will in many cases actually cost the taxpayer money.”

While both more spending cuts and more revenue are needed, Senator Warner continued, the broad sequestration cuts are inefficient and illogical.

“As a former CEO of a business and former governor, there’s a smart way to do cuts, with discretion, or a stupid way to do cuts – for example, with the Navy budget, regardless of the effectiveness of all 975 programs, we’re going to cut them all equally.  That’s not the smart way to do business.”