
Senator Warner checked-in with WRVA's Richmond Morning News today, answering questions from host Jimmy Barrett about the Iran deal, budget brinksmanship, and previewing a Richmond roundtable with people working in the on-demand economy. You can hear the entire interview here.

Congress is set to vote in about four weeks on the proposed international agreement aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Senator Warner told WRVA listeners he is studying the fine print in the deal and consulting with a lot of people.

The Senator says he is talking to experts, his Senate colleagues, and hearing from a lot of Virginians about "the good and the bad" in this deal.  "If Congress votes no, what happens next? Will there really be a sanctions regime that will be maintained? Will we really be willing to sanction our allies ... whose banks hold most of the seized Iranian assets that would be released to Iran?" Senator Warner said. 

"Most of the senators I've talked to, and I've talked to a number of them ... are l taking this responsibility very seriously. Wherever people are going to end up, they all know that this is going to be one of the most important votes we'll cast in Congress."