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Senator Warner was honored to meet with members of the Yellow Ribbon Fund Family Caregiver Program today. This program was founded in 2005, when several Washington area business owners came together to help a mom struggling to take care of her son, a wounded Marine at Walter Reed hospital.

The Yellow Ribbon Family Caregiver Program recognizes the challenges and sacrifices that these caregivers have made for their wounded loved ones. They offer family oriented retreats and services to help support caregivers and their families.

Senator Warner thanked the caregivers for their selfless service and honored them for the integral role they play in helping wounded service members recover.

“The hardships you all deal with on a daily basis are unimaginable for most of us, and often go unnoticed” Senator Warner said. “I’m so grateful that the Yellow Ribbon Fund is able to provide you all with the tools and resources to your make your lives easier, as well as a community support system. That is so important.”