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After Congress voted Wednesday to reopen the government and avert a credit default, Senator Mark Warner took a few minutes to talk about the negotiations he will take part in as a member of the House-Senate budget conference committee.


"We don’t need the same reckless behavior we have seen in certain members of the House and some in the Senate,” Senator Warner said. “Over next 60 days, we need a big bargain.”

Senator Warner understands public disgust toward the recent breakdown but said he remained optimistic about the prospects for a grand bargain. He remarked, “Wouldn't it be great if we shocked Virginians and got a comprehensive deal done?"

Senator Warner argued that a comprehensive package would also do much to help strengthen the economy.

“No single program would do more for job growth in this country than to put a deal in place that would our balance sheet back in order. The only way to get it done, is look at the numbers and get a deal that includes entitlements and revenues,” said Senator Warner.