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Sen. Mark Warner held a conference call today to speak with Hispanic Community leaders from across the Commonwealth.

Sen. Warner began the call by updating community leaders on his current efforts in the Senate and in Virginia. He announced that a joint effort between his office, Hispanic leaders, the business community in Hampton Roads to reach out to Latinos on issues such as health care continues to gain traction.


Sen. Warner also briefed Hispanic leaders on his bipartisan legislation to reform the housing finance system. Sen. Warner told callers that his bill was crafted to ensure that low-income and first-time homeowners, including many from the Latino community, are able to get the support they need in the housing market. 

The Senator also provided an update on where Congress stands on immigration reform. He told callers that he fully supported the measure he voted for in the Senate and hopes that Hispanic leaders will continue to pressure the House to pass the comprehensive Senate bill.

In response to a question about how Hispanic leaders could help move the Commonwealth forward, Sen. Warner said, "I fully support the DREAM Act and even have an intern in my office, Ambar Pinto, who is a DREAMer herself.”

Sen. Warner reiterated that to help DREAMers like Ambar, as well as laborers, students, families, and those with high-skilled visas, the community needed to work together and continue to push for comprehensive immigration reform.