
Click here for more info about the American Recovery and Reinvestment ActSenator Warner announced today that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released nearly $2.3 million in federal stimulus funds to Virginia's food assistance agencies.

The one-time funds were included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan as part of the Older Americans Act to assist communities and the national network of aging services that have been adversely impacted by rising food costs while demand for services continues to grow.

Approximately $1.5 million will go directly to congregate nutrition services throughout the Commonwealth, and $800,000 will be directed to home-delivered nutrition services.

Senator Warner said:

"Many older Virginians rely on a network of senior centers and home delivery programs for regular, healthy meals and other services. These Recovery Act funds will provide a welcome relief for locally-based community organizations who have simultaneously seen a decline in donations and an increase in food costs.”

The Older American Act promotes health and independence for seniors through a variety of efforts such as:

  • disease prevention and health promotion; 
  • transportation services; 
  • nutrition and meals services; 
  • and legal assistance
This is part of $100 million released nationwide for food assistance programs, which is expected to provide nearly 14 million meals across the country.