
Today, Senator Warner met with three families with brave young children who fight every day against potentially fatal allergies. The families have worked to pass the “School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act,” to encourage schools to be prepared to help students with severe allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

Senator Warner was proud to co-sponsor this legislation in honor of Ammarie Johnson of Richmond, who tragically passed away following an allergic reaction at school that could have been treated with an emergency epinephrine administered by Epi-Pen. The bill was signed into law last November.

Senator Warner thanked the families for their tireless efforts to raise awareness.  Senator Warner told the families that “meeting with folks like you and your inspiring children is such an important reminder of how the work we do here in Washington actually makes a huge difference to real Virginians.”

Senator Warner was immensely impressed with the perseverance and resilience of the children who have suffered from intense allergic reactions and debilitating symptoms.

Senator Warner was also moved by the account of Dawn McCoy, the mother of 3-year-old Joshua, who wrote a touching account of his struggle with allergies as part of eosinophilic esophagitis in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

“As a parent of one daughter with asthma and another with diabetes, I can’t imagine dropping a child off every day not knowing if the school is equipped to handle the worst,” Senator Warner said. “I’m honored to have helped pass this legislation to help schools prepare for life-threatening emergencies, and give to your families some peace of mind that your children will be safe at school.”

Senator Warner very much enjoyed meeting the energetic children, some of who were, admittedly, more excited about riding the Senate metro.