
On Thursday, Senator Warner held the fifth and sixth in his series of crowdfunding seminars for Virginia entrepreneurs and start up businesses. Yesterday's events, held in Danville and Blacksburg, included panel discussions with a range of business leaders, including a representative from Kiva, the revolutionary online microfinance platform, and the CEO of Blacksburg’s own Interactive Design & Development.

Senator Warner was able to “skype” into the Blacksburg event thanks to a break in his Senate schedule. He spoke to attendees about the importance of entrepreneurs and new businesses in creating job growth. “Virtually all of the net new jobs that were created in America over the last 30 years have been created by startups,” he said.


Crowdfunding is a way for businesses to raise capital through the pooling of many relatively small investments. The series of seminars hosted by Senator Warner has focused on helping businesses across the Commonwealth learn about the advantages and pitfalls of crowdfunding from both conventional sources such as friends, venture capital firms, and angel investors, and emerging sources like websites.

“In the information age you shouldn’t have to leave your hometown to create a world class business,” said Senator Warner during his remarks. “and crowdfunding will help. I think there is as much potential in crowdfunding as in anything I’ve seen in my career as an entrepreneur.”