
Energy 2030

Feb 07 2013

Today Senator Warner and a coalition of energy leaders unveiled a set of recommendations designed to double U.S. energy productivity by 2030.

“Doubling our energy productivity will yield huge returns for our economy and increase our competitiveness,” said Senator Warner, who serves as co-chair of the Alliance to Save Energy with National Grid U.S. President Tom King. “This bipartisan plan can serve as a blueprint to advance energy efficiency and bring direct and tangible benefits to American families and businesses while building a stronger economy and healthier environment.”

Former Republican New Year Governor George Pataki also spoke at the launch of the Energy 2030 plan. “Energy productivity is synonymous with economic prosperity and competiveness,” said Pataki. “This plan advances public-private partnerships to spur investment, and could save local, state and the federal governments $13 billion dollars in 2030 alone.”

If adopted by 2030, the plan could:

  • Add 1.3 million jobs;
  • Cut average household energy costs by more than $1,000 a year;
  • Save American businesses $169 billion a year;
  • Increase GDP by up to 2%;
  • Decrease energy imports by more than $100 billion a year; and
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by one-third.
You can learn more about the report's recommendations here