
Senator Warner traveled to the City of Franklin on Sunday to meet with community leaders to discuss what to do following last week's announcement that the International Paper facility there will close next year, leaving 1,100 people unemployed.  

He told the 50 or so people gathered in the Franklin City Council chambers that he would "move heaven and earth" to try to make sure that the community has whatever federal workforce assistance it needs to rebound.

"I don't have all the answers today," he said.  "But I want you to know that we all are in this together. The most important thing I can do today ... is listen."

Nearly 25 percent of the IP employees live across the state border in North Carolina, and Senator Warner said he would reach out to North Carolina Senators Kay Hagan and Richard Burr to work with the Virginia congressional delegation to help these workers and their families. 

Representatives from our office will be working closely with city and state officials in the coming weeks as elected officials and families in Southampton and Isle of Wight counties and the City of Franklin respond to this economic challenge.