
Budget resolution

Apr 03 2009

Senator Warner was among the 55 Senators who voted to approve the fiscal year 2010 budget resolution.  

He said the legislation upholds the President's budget priorities to address education, health care reform and climate change, while placing a premium on deficit reduction:

“I was part of the group on the Senate Budget Committee that tried to dial-back some of the president's initial spending to make sure that we can, at the end of the five-year period, get the deficit down to under 3 percent of the GDP. Longer-term, we will have to tackle the issue of entitlement reform if we’re truly going to get the deficit under control.”

From here, the budget will be assigned to a conference committee of members of the House and Senate to iron-out differences between the two versions of the resolution.  

Yesterday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Senator Warner discussed the need for a focus on greater efficiency and accountability from all levels of government as we implement the budget priorities.  You can watch his interview here.