
Senator Warner recently had a chance to visit Botetourt County. The Roanoke Times' Botetourt View blog did a great write-up of his visit and took lots of photos! (Yes, the Senator even kissed a baby.) 

Sen. Mark Warner visited Botetourt County on Friday Feb 11. He made his first stop at the North Star restaurant south of Buchanan, the second to Botetourt Technical Education Center (BTEC) and the final brief stop to Mill Mountain Coffee and Tea in Daleville.

Warner arrived at about 8:25 a.m. at the North Star and quickly began to work the tables laden with diners eating a hearty breakfast.  He  talked with them about  concerns and everything else from food to the location. Dawn Williford Rogers of Eagle Rock spoke to the senator about the closing of JTekt and her job retraining at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. He met a table full of JRHS cheerleaders and several other students from JRHS there to see the  governmental process on the grassroots level, where a former governor and now United States Senator, came out among his constituents.

Warner had a big hug and praise for the fine cooking of Debbie Painter  who owns the North Star. He also had the opportunity to kiss a baby– Alexander Lakes!

As the 69th Governor of the Commonwealth, Warner was instrumental in getting CTE teachers certified as well as  supplying college credit for technical schools. He was greeted at the BTEC door by school superintendent Dr. Tony Brads and principal Joe Harden. County administrator Jerry Burgess told Warner that “Botetourt County has great working relationship with the school division.” Warner praised the two, “As that is not always the case,” he remarked.

He took a tour of BTEC led by Harden. Skills USA is preparing across the area to hold competitions. An auto body competition at BTEC was in progress in the auto body classes taught by Donnie Sale. The students came from Salem, Roanoke and Pulaski for the competition. In the cosmetology class students worked on their fantasy mannequin designs. Warner spoke to the nursing students as well as auto mechanics, building trades, horticulture, and CAD class. He made special time to speak with the students and pose for photos with them. Warner has teens and a young 20 something in the home, so he had an easy manner with the young people. He posed with Paige Sprinkle by the Volvo that she and two other girls– now graduated have worked to restore over the past two years. He learned how the teachers and different classes cooperate to achieve a finished product.

One unique part of BTEC is the senior seminar where advanced dual enrollment English and Government are taught. Sara Zeek, also on the faculty of Lord Botetourt High School spoke with the senator. Warner asked her, “Is this the first place to hold these classes at a technical education facility? She replied, “I know of no other such arrangement in Virginia.”

Brads also spoke to Warner about the US Labor Department and efforts to quell students under 18 working around dangerous equipment. It would be a devastating blow to technical education across the United States. Warner after looking in the modular home being constructed on the site, said, “I get the message,” and indicated it would be something he would address when he got back to Washington.

Warner told the assembly as well that he and 25 other senators are looking at introducing a package to address the huge deficit in Washington. He did not paint a rosy picture. “It is long term… the stimulus money is drying up and we may have a little for Title I funds, but this will be something where everyone will have some skin on it.”  (Meaning the pain will be spread around.)

Other local officials at the tour of the  school were School Board Chairman Jack Leffel, board members Ruth Wallace and Kathy Sullivan and Botetourt County Supervisors Billy Martin, Chairman of the Board, Larry Ceola and Terry Austin.

The senator and his two staffers made a stop at Mill Mountain Coffee in Daleville where he greeted a few  people  and particularly the Roanoke Valley Newcomers Club before heading to Roanoke for more of the same and a luncheon as well.