

The Department of Health and Human Services announced today that $2.3 billion from the economic recovery package will go toward investments in child care and disease prevention.  

$2 billion will be given to states through the Child Care and Development Fund, while the remaining $300 million will be used for the Immunization Grant program, to acquire and distribute critical vaccinations for our children.  

Virginia will receive more than $43 million for the programs:


  • $37,891,741 will go toward supporting child care services for families whose children require care during the day while they are working, seeking employment, or receiving job training or education. The funds will be used either to provide vouchers to families for child care or to improve access to care through contracts with child care centers or investments in quality improvements.  
  • $5,419,971 will go toward vaccine programs to ensure more underserved Americans receive the vaccines they need. 


For more information on child care and vaccination programs, click here