
Senator Warner visited Rosetta Stone in Harrisonburg for a tour and a town hall meeting with employees. Rosetta Stone is the leading technology-based foreign language education company, founded in Harrisonburg, and it soon will reach 2,000 employees worldwide.

"Rosetta Stone is such an awesome example of the value of growing our cutting-edge, technology based businesses in rural regions such as the Shenandoah Valley, which offers a great quality of life," Senator Warner said.

Afterwards he took questions from a crowd of several hundred employees on topics ranging from energy, research & development tax incentives and improving public education.

Bob Stuart of the News Virginian reported on the Senator's visit:

Warner seemed to savor his rare venture beyond the Capitol, heaping praise on Rosetta Stone, a nearly 20-year-old company that has grown to a worldwide base of 1,900 workers, many of them in Harrisonburg.

The company’s executive offices are in Northern Virginia, and it has offices in London and Tokyo.

Rosetta Stone CEO Tom Adams introduced Warner to his employees as the Virginia governor “who did more for K-12 education than any other governor.”

Warner cited the growth of Rosetta Stone as an example of where America needs to go.

“This is a success story that needs to be celebrated,” he said.

He noted that the company uses technology to provide its products and is located neither in the Silicon Valley nor Northern Virginia but in the pristine Shenandoah Valley.

Despite the tough economic times, Warner said, he still has faith in the United States.

“The greatest thing about the country is that we are up to meeting the challenge,” he said.