
As finance chiefs from around the world turn-up the heat on Europe to do more to prevent Greece's debt crisis from infecting the world economy, Senator Warner chaired a Banking subcommittee hearing to hear from a range of experts about what the crisis could mean for the struggling U.S. economy. 


The hearing turned out to be particularly timely as news broke that stocks were tumbling around the world partly because of the continuing crisis in Europe.


Four witnesses testified at the hearing: Nicolas Veron of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Joachim Fels of Morgan Stanley, Dominico Lombardi, of the Brookings Institution, and J.D. Foster of the Heritage Foundation. 


The four witnesses and Senators Warner, Johanns and Bennet discussed the origins of the crisis, implications for the US and global economy, and options for dealing with it. 

Senator Warner called the hearing "sobering," and said he hoped that the discussion would continue. 

All of the witness testimony and full video of the hearing are available here.