
Senator Warner visited with Tommy & Rumble on Norfolk’s FM99/WNOR this morning, and their fun and wide-ranging conversation touched on President Obama’s first 100 days, Senator Arlen Specter’s switch from Republican-to-Democrat, and the bipartisan TARP Transparency Act introduced by Senator Warner earlier this week.

Senator Warner, who sits on the Banking Committee, spoke about the challenges of re-writing regulations for the financial industry:

“A lot of this stuff around the financial sector – I think I can add some value. I’ve been exposed [to these issues]. I have experience in the markets,” Senator Warner said, though he expressed some frustration with some of the partisan posturing in Congress. “I want to get this stuff done. This is an important time… We’ve really got to check our ‘Democrat’ hats and ‘Republican’ hats at the door and put on our ‘American’ hats. The problems are much too big, and neither party has all the answers.”   

You can hear the entire interview here.

The Senator also spoke this morning with Jimmy Barrett, host of “Richmond’s Morning News” on WRVA Radio:

“We should have a clear view of where the money’s gone, how it was spent, and if we’ve received any benefit, such as interest payments,” Senator Warner said.

Listen to the interview here.