
This morning, the Financial Times recapped Senator Warner's recent thoughts on another to-do item facing Congress: financial regulatory reform.

As a member of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Warner will provide a leading voice as Congress works to enact responsible reforms with a goal of preventing another near-collapse of the economy.  

The self-described "bipartisan radical centrist" and former telecommunications entrepreneur was elected last year as a Democrat senator to Virginia. That short tenure has not curbed his desire to change the shape of regulation, which was worked out by the Treasury and the House financial services committee, chaired by Barney Frank. ...

But while the number and complexity of the reforms suggested that real reform might be delayed, co-operation and compromise were possible and failure would look bad, he said.

In the interview, Senator Warner also discussed his thoughts on the creation of a single bank regulator as well as a systemic risk regulator that is independent of the Federal Reserve, and his frustration with the AIG investors, so-called "counterparties," that received a 100 percent, taxpayer-backed return on their investment after the insurance giant received bailout money.

Click here to read the whole article.