
Senator Warner started the day off talking business with business and finance majors at James Madison University's Forbes Center for the Arts. He was introduced by JMU President Rose, who noted that the just-opened Forbes Center was the fifth of five JMU campus projects, totaling a combined $100 million, built as a result of a higher education bond package approved by Virginia voters in 2002 at the urging of then-Governor Warner.

Senator Warner praised JMU as a "world class university that continues expanding its vision," and about 50 students asked smart questions about the economy and the Wall Street reform legislation that Senator Warner worked on as a member of the Senate Banking Committee.

The Senator joked that his answers were somewhat "wonky" because the students were asking "wonky" questions.

WHSV-TV3 reporter Tom Dempsey covered the event:

"Warner spoke about the recession that is plaguing the world's economy. He said everyone has to take part of the blame for the situation right now.

However, he offered optimistic news when he said that large U.S.businesses have never been healthier.

This was good news for graduate students and seniors at the event.

"As an accounting major, the extra information I get about how the field is going to improve could really help me when I'm starting off in my career," says Chrissy Shugars, a JMU student.

Warner was able to share more good news when he said there is a great need for young financial engineers, who can offer fresh ideas and get the economy back up and running."