
Senator Warner joined a bipartisan group of senators this week to introduce legislation that will provide targeted incentives for homeowners who make energy efficiency investments in their homes.  

The HOMESTAR Energy Retrofit Act of 2010 -- co-sponsored by Sens. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) -- would provide $6 billion in incentives for American homeowners to retrofit an estimated 3 million homes over two years.  

In addition to encouraging investments in energy efficient home improvements that will help homeowners save money, economists and industry experts estimate it will also create or maintain more than 150,000 U.S. manufacturing and construction jobs.

Senator Warner said of the legislation:

“HOMESTAR can create tens of thousands of ‘green’ jobs while also achieving substantial reductions in our nation’s overall energy use. Consumers participating in the program could save an estimated $200 to $500 per year on their residential energy bills even as they’re taking steps to increase the overall value of their homes.

"With unemployment in the construction industry near 25% and with substantial underutilized capacity in our nation’s manufacturing industries, we have a large pool of skilled workers and certified contractors who are anxious to get back to work."

For more details on the legislation, click here.  To see the bill, click here.