
Senator Warner joined Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Senator Claire McCaskill (MO) and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) today to call on Republicans to end procedural obstructions that have delayed Senate confirmation of many of President Obama's nominees.

As of today, nearly 100 nominations are pending before the U.S. Senate, five times the number of nominations that were pending at this time during the previous administration. These nominees -- most of whom were reported out of committees with overwhelming, bipartisan support -- were nominated for positions that are vital to protecting our national security and aiding our economy.

Senator Warner said that as a former CEO in business and government, he knows how important it is to have a "management team" in place to begin working.  Many of the holds are placed only for political reasons, he said, and not because of their qualifications.

He said today:

"I'm a new guy here, and I know everyone likes to be a part of a caucus, so I'd like to start the 'Get Stuff Done' Caucus.' I think we should give these nominees a straight up-or-down vote so these folks can help the President address the challenges that face our country."

The Washington Post has more details on the press availability today:

Senate Democrats are making a concerted push to confirm stalled nominees by raising the question of whether Republican senators are breaking the rules by subjecting them to indefinite "secret" holds -- and planning to introduce an amendment to the financial reform bill that would curtail the process. ...

"It seems like we're institutionalizing dysfunction," said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.). "This seems to be an attack on this administration to do its constitutional duty."

UPDATE | 5/7/10 -- Senator Warner joined his colleagues on the Senate floor to speak out against "secret holds" of presidential nominees.