
The Concord Coalition, a group of former members of Congress known for advocating responsible fiscal policy, says the Gang of Six is the best hope for a bipartisan plan to curb deficits and debt.

Senators Warner and Chambliss (R-GA) have been leading the "Gang" efforts since December, joining with four other senators who served on and supported the National Fiscal Commission recommendations: Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Kent Conrad (D-ND), Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Mike Crapo (R-ID).

“The cooperative approach taken by the senators’ group is the most promising route to enactment of legislation curbing the economically destructive and generationally inequitable explosion of debt that awaits if we don’t change course,” the Coalition says in a letter released by its board members, including former U.S. Sens. Warren Rudman, Judd Gregg, Sam Nunn, Chuck Robb and Bob Kerrey.

The full statement of the Coalition is below: