
Senator Warner voted today in favor of sending Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's renomination to the full Senate for consideration.

During the Senate Banking Committee's executive session, Senator Warner praised Chairman Bernanke for bold leadership at a tough time last fall, when the economy was on the verge of collapse:

As someone who has spent 20 years around the markets, there are a lot of things that you all did and the Fed did last year that were extraordinary. Most of them were politically unpopular, but I absolutely believe, and virtually every reasonable economist from the left to right agrees, that without those extraordinary actions we could have faced economic catastrophe.

Monday morning quarterbacking is, I guess, part of the job, but I believe that history will look back on Chairman Bernanke's actions and treat him well. I do think we need to refocus the Fed on a going-forward basis, and I look forward to supporting the Chairman in terms of his second term.

Statement on the re-nomination of Ben Bernanke
On January 22, 2010, Senator Warner released a statement re-affirming his support for Chairman Bernanke.