
After spending yesterday seeing the historic side of Yorktown at the Revolutionary War museum, Senator Mark Warner began his day over a breakfast town hall with the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce.
Sen. Warner then toured the BAE Systems Ship Repair facility in Norfolk. Along the way he spoke to employees and facility leadership about critical issues in the defense industry including the sequester.
At the end of the tour, Sen. Warner expressed his appreciation for all Virginian workers who play a role in the defense industry. “Men and women on ships across the world are on the best ships in the world because of the work of people here at BAE,” said Sen. Warner.
This weekend, the Senator will wrap up his week of travel by attending the commissioning ceremony of the new Navy submarine USS Minnesota. He’ll also address more than 300 young professionals who have gathered in Norfolk for the Senator’s 3rd Annual Young Professionals Summit. Many of the summit attendees arrived in Norfolk a day early to volunteer for a day of service at P.B. Young Sr. Elementary School in Norfolk.