
Senator Warner called "Richmond's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett" on WRVA Radio in Richmond today to discuss the Senate health care reform legislation, and Jimmy ended up hosting a wide-ranging conversation that also touched on Senator Warner's work to reign-in the federal budget deficit -- and even the Senator's connection with the White House party crashers.

On health care, Senator Warner provided a preview of a package of amendments he and about a dozen other freshman senators will introduce that are designed to drive-down health care costs by focusing more sharply on transparency and accountability across the health delivery system.

On budget issues, Senator Warner discussed his support for setting-up a bipartisan commission to examine entitlement programs such as Medicare and make recommendations that Congress would have to accept or reject without amendments.

And Senator Warner expressed surprise at the media fixation on the publicity-seeking antics of Tareq and Michaele Salahi, the Virginia couple accused of "crashing" a White House state dinner.

You can listen to the entire interview below: