
Senator Warner had a fun and wide-ranging conversation this morning with Rick Rumble on the "Rumble in the Morning Show" on WNOR-FM99 in Norfolk.

He talked to Rumble and Shelley about the prospect of a Navy aircraft carrier being relocated from Norfolk to Mayport, Florida, the gridlocked traffic in Hampton Roads, and whether Senator Warner -- an avid basketball player -- still has "got game."

They also discussed the Senator's continuing effort to bring more bipartisanship to the Senate:

RUMBLE: I know you well enough to know that you really dislike that party politics kind of stuff.  

WARNER: Makes me crazy.  I came back from a family funeral early to vote on this entitlement commission because I said that this place is broken, we need to get our deficit under control. ... I get back from this thinking we're going to make a major difference here, and all of a sudden seven of the guys who fought for it for year-after-year suddenly voted against it because it was going to pass.  ... I felt like I was in the middle of a three-card Monte game!

You can listen to the entire 10-minute morning interview here: