
Shaking up the system

Sep 09 2010

"I think it's time to shake up the education system," Senator Warner said today in front of a crowd of about 75 professors and students at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.

Senator Warner spoke at the new home of the School of Education at Bavaro Hall before taking questions from the crowd. The Senator was highly involved in education reform as Governor - and the Curry School was a leading partner in then-Governor Warner's proposal to place "turn-around specialists" in troubled schools.

Senator Warner said he is looking forward to getting involved again as the Senate gears up to take on the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind.

NBC 29 reported on Senator Warner's visit:

'Warner says he's just in favor of what works. "So educational competition, rigor, trying to make sure we measure what works and be willing to get rid of what doesn't work, has to be a high part of our agenda," he said.'

Later in the day Senator visited Fluvanna County and spoke to a crowd of about 60 community leaders at the new Fluvanna Public Library - which features a unique geothermal heating system that will save the county a good amount of money. Senator Warner helped to secure funding for the library as Senator.

The Senator spoke for a few minutes on his plans for moving forward in Congress before taking questions, mainly on health care reform and help for small businesses. He stressed that despite problems with our government, "only in America can a guy from Indiana become governor then Senator of a beautiful state like Virginia."

"In so many other countries you don't even get one shot, but here you can have lots of chances."