
Thanking our Warriors

May 16 2011

Senator Warner visited Hampton Roads today to meet with Navy officials and hand-deliver the more than 1200 messages of thanks collected on our websiteFacebook and YouTube page in the two weeks since Navy commandos brought-down Osama bin Laden. 

The Senator met privately with representatives from the Navy’s special operations community and presented them with a computer thumb drive containing the messages.

Senator Warner speaks with members of the media in Norfolk after delivering the messages to Navy representatives.

“Members of the special forces recognize that their successes often cannot be celebrated with public parades and press conferences,” Senator Warner said. “That does not mean we should not look for creative ways to express our respect and appreciation while still protecting their identities and their safety." 

Messages poured into our site from all over the world to express thanks to the commandos who took-down bin Laden. Senator Warner said he was surprised and gratified by how personal and emotional many of the messages were: "They included messages from whole classrooms who wanted to thank the SEALs, moms of Marines fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and even people who had lost friends in the attack on the USS Cole and family members who were killed on 9/11.”

Here is a sampling of some of the messages:

  • “As a lifelong resident of Hampton Roads, it is all too easy to take the military for granted. We are your neighbors, classmates, and friends. We are blessed to have you."
  • A huge thank you and to let you know how proud we are from Mr. Underwood’s 5th grade class at Rocky Gap, Va. Elementary School!”
  • “Our 2nd grader came home from school and said, ‘Our guys killed a very bad man who hurt those people in the twin towers. We got him, Mommy.’ Yes, we did. Thank you."
  • “I was five when Bin Laden and Al Qaeda attacked the twin towers, and I have never truly felt safe since. Thank you for giving that back to me.”
  • Most of the time no one knows what you do, where you do it or even if you actually exist. We still don't know who you are, but we do know what you did. Thank you.”
  • “This Marine mom wants to thank you so much for your service! We rest easier knowing you are out there protecting us.
  • "I have no words to describe the men who were on this mission. I never realized ordinary men could be so extraordinary.”
  • “My family in NY who lost a loved one on Sept 11 is forever indebted to all of you.”
  • “How do you thank someone who saves the world? I will pay it forward. Thank you for being a hero to my kids.”

In addition, earlier this morning, Senator Warner spoke with Rick Rumble on FM99 WNOR in Norfolk, and said that a lot of military and intelligence professionals share in the success of the mission.

Later the Senator travelled to Norfolk to participate in a "Brunch & Budget" event organized by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce and Cox Communications. He showed a powerpoint presentation to about 125 people on the importance of tackling the nation’s deficit and debt issues.

Senator Warner meets with members of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce before speaking at the "Brunch & Budget" event