
On Sunday, both the Washington Post and the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star carried profile stories on Senator Warner's central role in crafting the Wall Street reform proposal that is now pending on the Senate floor.

The Free Lance-Star wrote:

Warner's years of experience in business--he made millions investing in the cell phone industry--helped get him involved in work to craft the bill months ago. He has been working regularly for about a year with Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee on aspects of the legislation. ...

Floor work on the bill is expected to last several days, if not weeks, but Warner calls it "a step forward" and hopes the final product will be "a good centrist" package.

The Washington Post called Senator Warner's efforts an "object lesson" on the value of bipartisanship:

After spending his first 16 months on Capitol Hill with a relatively junior policy portfolio and a low public profile, Warner (D-Va.) has in recent weeks become a fixture on cable news shows and a point man for his party ...

"There's nothing about a bipartisan agreement that makes it better policy, but there is the fact that I don't think the American public trusts either political party," Warner said in an interview last week in his Senate office. "I think showing that there's a bipartisan agreement for a lot of folks . . . kind of translates like it's code that it must really be in the country's interest."

Click here to find more information on Senator Warner's key role in debate over Wall Street reform.