Press Releases

Sens. Warner & Kaine Urge Confirmation of Marilyn Tavenner as CMS Administrator

Former nurse, hospital CEO, Va. Health & Human Resources Secretary nominated at CMS

Apr 09 2013

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sens, Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) today urged Senate confirmation of the Presidential nomination of Marilyn B. Tavenner of Virginia to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.  CMS is the lead federal agency responsible for health care for millions of Americans through its administration of Medicare, Medicaid and programs related to implementation of The Affordable Care Act. The senators, joined today by U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-7th), urged Senate Finance Committee approval of Tavenner's renomination to lead CMS.


Tavenner, who has served as CMS Acting Administrator since late 2011, was a nurse for almost 20 years and ultimately rose to serve as a hospital CEO in Richmond. She also served as Virginia’s Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the administration of then-Gov. Kaine.

“I’ve known Marilyn Tavenner for over 20 years, and she is the real deal. I believe she is a phenomenal choice to lead CMS,” Sen. Warner said. “She brings a unique set of skills to this job: she grew up in in Southside Virginia, worked her way through school, started as a nurse and then worked her way up to hospital CEO. She has my full support and I commend her without reservation to this committee.”


“Her skill in doing that [controlling costs] is a skill that’s very precisely matched with the need of the moment. How to keep patient care first - because that’s her first attribute - but nevertheless wrestle with difficult cost control issues…Cost control is ultimately about health care access and Marilyn understands that,” said Sen. Kaine. “This is a vote you will never regret. Whether you are for patient care or cost control or just managerial efficiency, a vote for Marilyn Tavenner is a safe vote and I’m proud to recommend her to you.”


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