Press Releases


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Virginia Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner today applauded the Senate’s confirmation of Sheriff Gerald S. Holt as U.S. Marshal for the Western District of Virginia.

Holt is a Roanoke, Virginia, native who became a Deputy Sheriff for Roanoke County in 1970.  Since that time, he has served in numerous capacities within the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office including Corrections Deputy, Uniform Patrol Officer, Uniform Patrol Supervisor - Lieutenant and Crime Prevention Officer.  In 1973, Sheriff Holt initiated the Roanoke County Auxiliary Force, in which volunteer citizens were trained to be auxiliary deputy sheriffs.  Holt was elected Sheriff of Roanoke County in November 1991 and began his first term in January 1992. 

“I congratulate Gerald Holt on his confirmation. His decades of service in Roanoke County have well qualified him for his new role as U.S. Marshal,” said Senator Webb.

“Gerald Holt has worked in Roanoke County law enforcement for 40 years, and he spent almost half that time as Sheriff. He is remarkably qualified for this new role as U.S. Marshal, and I congratulate him on today’s confirmation by the Senate,” said Senator Warner.
