Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine announced $61 million in funding for the construction of two 120-bed veterans homes in Virginia, $30 million for a state veterans home in Virginia Beach and $31 million for a state veterans home in Vint Hill. This funding, which is part of a $685 million package for state veterans homes across the country, can be used for repairs, renovation, or new construction. Warner and Kaine helped to secure these dollars as part of the government funding bill that passed last month.  

“Virginia’s veterans have made tremendous sacrifices to fight for our nation. Now, we need to fight for them and help ensure they have the resources they need to lead successful lives after they complete their service,” the Senators said. “We are proud to have helped secure funding to improve veterans’ long-term care needs in Virginia, and we will continue to do all we can in the Senate to support veterans.” 

Warner and Kaine both have long records of advocating for the nation’s veterans through the appropriations process and legislation they have championed to improve veterans’ job training and access to health care. 

