Press Releases

Sen. Warner Announces Senior Staff Promotions

~ Includes Chief of Staff & Legislative Director for the 114th Congress ~

Jan 12 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) announced two senior staff promotions in his Capitol Hill office today:

David Hallock will serve as Chief of Staff.  Hallock, who most recently served as Sen. Warner’s Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director, also served in then-Gov. Warner’s administration in Virginia (2002-6) as deputy policy director and deputy counsel. He has undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Virginia. He succeeds Luke Albee, who will be leaving the Senate after six years as Sen. Warner’s Chief of Staff and more than 25 years working in the Senate.

Elizabeth Falcone will serve as Legislative Director. Falcone, who joined Sen. Warner’s staff in mid-2010 as senior advisor on health care and budget policy, succeeds Hallock as legislative director.  Prior to working for Sen. Warner, Falcone was a legislative assistant for Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN).  She is a graduate of Cornell University.  

“I am very pleased that David and Elizabeth will be leading our office as the new Congress gets underway,” said Sen. Warner. “I have told our management team that we will maintain the highest levels of constituent service to Virginians even as we work hard on the legislative and policy fronts to strengthen the economy, create jobs and provide additional opportunities for Virginians.”