Press Releases

WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee is honoring the courage and dedication of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community by introducing a bipartisan resolution designating today, July 26, 2018 as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day.” A Senate resolution thanking intelligence officers, past and present, for their service and professionalism in protecting the United States was introduced by U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and co-sponsored by every member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Today is the 71st anniversary of President Truman signing the National Security Act of 1947, which laid the foundation for today’s intelligence community and continues to govern its activities. 

“The men and women of the Intelligence Community work tirelessly and quietly, often risking their lives in defense of our nation. We rarely hear about their successes or their sacrifices, but the Senate Intelligence Committee sees the results of their hard work firsthand,” said Vice Chairman Warner. “Today is a rare opportunity to recognize these quiet heroes, and thank them for their sacrifice. They deserve not only our respect, but our gratitude.” 

“As Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I have had the opportunity to meet many of the brave men and women of the United States Intelligence Community, and understand the enormous sacrifice they make on behalf of our nation. Every day, intelligence professionals risk their lives to keep our homeland safe. They do so without public acknowledgment, credit, or thanks, but with the knowledge that their work is vital for America’s national security,” said Chairman Burr. “While much of their work must always go unrecognized, today we thank them for their service and express our support for their efforts.” 

 “I’ve served on the Intelligence Committee since 2001, a position that has allowed me to foster a deep sense of respect and appreciation for the work done by all the men and women of the intelligence community. These individuals are often nameless and faceless, but the work they do and the dedication they exhibit helps keep us safe, and for that I thank them,” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said.

“The country does not know much about our intelligence community’s activities, by necessity, of course, but we all owe them a debt of gratitude for their work defending our national security and all Americans,” said Senator Jim Risch (R-ID). “I join my colleagues today in pausing to recognize these patriots.” 

“Every day, across our nation and around the world, the hard working men and women serving in the Intelligence Community make countless sacrifices to ensure the safety of our country and our citizens. I am consistently impressed by the high level of professionalism, patriotism, and courage that our intelligence professionals exhibit,” Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said. “Our resolution will ensure that these Americans, who must operate in the shadows, receive well-deserved recognition for their public service.” 

“Our nation's intelligence professionals are dedicated, patriotic men and women who make real sacrifices to help keep our country safe and free. I am proud to recognize them for their public service,” said Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM).

“Intelligence professionals provide the critical information decision makers rely on to keep Americans safe,” said Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO). “We’ll always be grateful for their dedication and the sacrifices they make every day to protect our country.” 

“We live in a dangerous world, and America’s intelligence professionals are our first line of defense. These men and women are patriots who don’t serve any party or any individual – they serve the people of the United States of America. Their hard work and commitment to protecting our citizens deserves nothing less than our utmost gratitude,” said Senator Angus King (I-ME)

“Our intelligence community works tirelessly every day to keep America safe. As a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I recognize the commitment of our intelligence professionals. Most of them work in anonymity, so this is a small way for us to publically recognize them and the critical work they do to protect all of us,” said Senator James Lankford (R-OK).

“The brave men and women in our intelligence community selflessly serve our country in the shadows, most of the time with little recognition. This resolution aims to make up for that fact and recognize their service and commitment to protecting our country and our interests abroad. Their work is essential to the safety of the United States and has prevented tragedies, protected individuals and executed missions with the utmost professionalism and we all thank them for their sacrifice,” Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said. 

“The work our intelligence professionals do to help us understand the threats we face as a nation is essential. Theirs can often be a thankless job, and today we recognize them for their service and patriotism,” Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said.

“The brave men and women of our Intelligence Community do important work critical to keep our nation safe and secure often without any recognition or acknowledgement,” said Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). “Their service, sacrifice and utmost professionalism must never be taken for granted, and so I’m proud to honor their work today and the contributions they make to our nation.” 

The full text of the resolution is available here

