Press Releases

Sen. Warner to host online forum on jobs & the economy

~ Will use Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube Platforms ~

Oct 14 2011

~Questions can be submitted through Monday 5PM, with video replies beginning Tuesday 2PM~

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) will host an online forum on jobs and the economy next week that will leverage the reach and popularity of Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube to allow constituents to submit questions and view the Senator's responses over several days.

Constituents can submit questions between now and 5:00 PM Monday using Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Individuals also may choose to use Google+ or the Google Moderator tool embedded on the Senator's website, which allows users to both submit questions or vote and rank others' questions.  

Beginning Tuesday afternoon and continuing throughout the week, Senator Warner will reply to the most popular questions through video responses cross-posted to each of the new media platforms. Responses also will be included on the blog feature on the Senator’s homepage.

"Unlike traditional town halls and telephone town halls, this online conversation will allow Virginians to submit their comments and questions over several days, and it will allow constituents to view my responses when it is most convenient for them," Senator Warner said. "We are reaching out to deploy a wide variety of social media tools to extend the way we engage with Virginians in a way that is the most convenient, efficient and relevant to them."

Since joining Congress in 2009, Senator Warner has been one of the leading users of social media among members of the U.S. Senate. He currently has more than 15,500 friends on Facebook and more than 21,250 followers on Twitter.  Senator's Warner's 226 YouTube videos have been viewed by nearly 72,000 people since 2009.