Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued a statement today, after joining a congressional task force advising the President on response to the coronavirus and economic recovery:

“My highest priority on this task force will be to ensure the federal government’s efforts to reopen our economy are bipartisan, data-driven, and based on the expertise of public health professionals.

“Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their livelihoods as a result of this crisis. Unfortunately, a rushed, haphazard reopening risks not only further lives lost but also further damage to our economy. For the sake of both our economy and the safety of our loved ones, we need to do everything we can to stamp out this disease and give Americans confidence that it is truly safe to begin returning to normal. Experts agree that, at a minimum, a robust testing regime must be in place before we are able to lift most of the difficult, but effective, social distancing measures intended to ‘flatten the curve.’ As we consider next steps in responding to the coronavirus pandemic, input from Governors and other local officials will be absolutely essential.”
