Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) today applauded $3,581,786 in federal funding for public transportation in the City of Petersburg. The funding, for Petersburg Area Transit, was authorized by the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act supported by Sens. Warner and Kaine.

 “As the Commonwealth continues to navigate through this health crisis, we’re pleased to know that these federal dollars will help provide the necessary equipment and resources to protect the health and safety of our transit workers and the passengers they serve,” said the Senators.

Through the CARES Act, Congress provided $25 billion for transit agencies to help prevent, prepare, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Petersburg received its funding under the FTA’s Urbanized Area Formula Program, which makes federal resources available to urbanized areas and to governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning.

The funds will support operating, administrative, and preventive maintenance costs for Petersburg Area Transit in order to respond to and recover from the COVID-19 public health emergency. The funds can also be used to cover salaries, wages, benefits, personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and operator protective shields.