Press Releases

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner, Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, released the following statement on his vote on U.S. arm sales to Saudi Arabia:

“This afternoon I voted against blocking the sale of certain munitions to Saudi Arabia. The US remains in the midst of combatting violent extremism abroad, and Saudi Arabia has been an important presence in this fight. I believe that it is in the national security interest of the United States to have Saudi Arabia play a greater role in the fight against terrorism.

“I am aware of the concerns with Saudi Arabia’s engagement in Yemen, including in operations that have led to civilian casualties. I share these concerns, and believe that the Saudis have a responsibility to conduct their operations carefully—including engaging with the U.S. on increased training, restricting of rules of engagement, and involving legal experts on the application of the Law of Armed Conflict—with every possible effort to limit the impact on civilians. As we move forward as a nation in this fight, I will look to ensure that the precision and appropriate targeting in Saudi Arabia’s anti-terror campaign increases, and that all partners in this effort are adhering to all appropriate conventions.”
