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“Crowdfunding has the potential to not only change the way that startup businesses access capital, but to allow entrepreneurs to create and keep jobs in places like Danville or Roanoke,” Senator Warner said today in Arlington at the first of a series of events that he’s holding to help Virginia entrepreneurs better understand how crowdfunding can be a tool for business growth.
Senator Warner stopped by the Virginia Economic Developers Association fall conference yesterday afternoon in Roanoke to deliver a keynote speech on deficit reduction and job creation. He thanked the economic developers for their hard work for the Commonwealth, and remarked that when he was Governor, he felt that his job was "economic developer in chief."

Sen. Warner Announces $4.9M for Veterans Cemeteries in Virginia

~ Suffolk and Amelia state cemeteries awarded federal funds for operations ~

Oct 02 2012

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded nearly $5 million for operations at state veterans cemeteries in Amelia County and the city of Suffolk, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner announced today. The V-A awarded $3.3 million to the Albert G. Horton Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk and $1.6 million to the Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia.

Senator Warner hosts 2nd annual Young Professionals Summit

Summit draws more than 300 young Virginians

Oct 01 2012

Moving Virginia forward to continued success in a global economy should not include losing sight of important local and statewide connections. That’s what Senator Warner, a co-founder of Nextel and former venture capital investor, told more than 300 young people attending the second annual Virginia Young Professionals Summit in Richmond on Saturday.
Senator Warner stopped by the new State Fair of Virginia in Caroline County today on his way down to Richmond for our annual Virginia Young Professionals Summit. In March, the Fair was almost permanently shuttered when its parent company filed for bankruptcy.