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The New America Foundation hosted a discussion on Capitol Hill yesterday with a group of current and former members of Congress and White House officials from across the aisle, including Senators Warner and Mike Crapo (R-ID), Alice Rivlin, Erskine Bowles, Alan Greenspan, Pete Domenici, Governor John Engler, and the CEOs of the American Gas Association and Honeywell.

A bipartisan center forms in the U.S. Senate

By Mark R. Warner

Sep 21 2011

When I asked Virginians in 2008 for the privilege of serving them in the United States Senate, I pledged to go to Washington to try to lead a "radical bipartisan center" that would work together to find common ground to solve our nation's biggest challenges.

Senator Warner announces formation of bipartisan group of 36 senators to encourage super committee to "go big" on deficit reduction

~ Warner leads new Senate coalition of 18 Republicans, 17 Democrats & 1 Independent ~

Sep 15 2011

Senator Warner today announced that he has organized a bipartisan coalition representing more than one-third of the members of the U.S. Senate to encourage the members of the congressional “super committee” to seek the broadest possible bipartisan agreement to address the nation’s deficits and debt.

On eve of Fort Monroe transfer, Senator Warner calls for national monument designation

Floor speech makes compelling case for preserving Fort Monroe’s rich history

Sep 14 2011

In a speech on the Senate floor the day before the U.S. Army transfers ownership of Virginia’s Fort Monroe to a regional authority, Senator Warner urged President Obama to use the Antiquities Act to designate Fort Monroe as a national monument, which would make it an official part of the National Park Service (NPS).
We hosted our first Virginia Young Professionals Summit in Richmond this weekend. More than 225 up-and-coming young leaders attended the summit, which was focused on building networks and community involvement among young people.