
Senator Warner and several of his freshman colleagues took to the Senate floor once again today to discuss the cost-saving tools included in the health reform legislation.

The freshmen joined together several times since last fall in organized floor speeches to promote a series of amendments designed to slow the spiraling costs of health care.

In December, the freshmen successfully added dozens of amendments to promote savings, accountability and greater transparency across the health care system. The freshman amendments were included in the final legislation adopted by Congress and signed into law by the President.

Today, Senator Warner led a conversation on the Senate floor with freshman colleagues Roland Burris (IL), Kay Hagan (NC), Mark Begich (AK), Jeff Merkley (OR) and Tom Udall (NM).

Senator Warner said it will be important for Congress to closely monitor the way these health reforms are implemented and make any improvements that might be needed:  

Passing the bill is just the first step.  What really happens is in the implementation afterwards. The appeal I would make, particularly to my colleagues on the other side, is that I agree with them on some of their points that we don't go far enough on cost containment. ...

I for one believe that there is more that we can do around this issue of cost containment and I would hope that, in the coming weeks and months, rather than fighting to repeal, that they would join with us in finding that common ground to make this legislation even better.