
Senator Warner has been front and center in the debate over Wall Street reform, and took time this week to discuss the details of the legislation that he has spent much of the past year working on.

In addition to his Sunday morning sit-down with Candy Crowley on CNN’s State of the Union and a Tuesday appearance on Fox News, Senator Warner also appeared with Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd to discuss his role in crafting a bipartisan solution that ends “too big to fail” and taxpayer bailouts.

“We agree with our Republican colleagues that bankruptcy should be a preferred process. We’ve put in place a resolution process that basically is a death sentence for these firms. Shareholders will be wiped out, management will be wiped out and these firms will go away.”

During an interview with the Financial Times of London, he explained why reform is necessary:

This is complicated stuff. The challenge is that you can be intimidated back into the status quo – “Oh my gosh, we can’t do anything.” And the one thing that most of us can acknowledge is that the status quo is not working. The status quo… in terms of America’s and the world’s confidence that the system is fair and accountable and transparent is just not there.

And on CNN’s “John King USA” on Tuesday night, Senator Warner explained in layman’s terms what a “derivative” is:

To read more about Senator Warner’s effort to craft bipartisan Wall Street reform legislation, click here.