
Charlottesville's Mikro, Inc. is a great company most people probably have never heard of: its advanced manufacturing processes allow it to produce cutting-edge, clean energy wind turbines and sophisticated medical instruments. And when foreign investors recently suggested moving the operation offshore, Mikro executives insisted on keeping the facility in Central Virginia.

Senator Warner visited Mikro today to meet with company executives and other Charlottesville-area innovators and entrepreneurs.

Roundtable at Mikro Systems in C-Ville

"Ninety-percent of new jobs these days are created by start ups and small businesses," Senator Warner said. "So its important that we work on creating an environment that is conducive to starting business."

Senator Warner discussed his recent efforts to promote innovation and start up businesses by relaxing several tax and regulatory hurdles through his bipartisan Start Up Act.

"This is exactly the kind of work we need to keep here in Virginia," Senator Warner said. "I'm proud of Mikro for staying in Charlottesville, and of Charlottesville for onshoring advanced manufacturing jobs like at Mikro."