
Senator Warner hosted our first Virginia Women’s Conference on Nov. 20 in Richmond with the theme A Financial Roadmap for Smart Money Decisions. AARP, Dominion, and Genworth Financial co-sponsored the conference, which provided timely and helpful advice to nearly 300 attendees on issues ranging from career development, starting a business and retirement planning.

The conference featured keynote speeches from Senator Warner and entrepreneur Patricia Miller -- founder and President of Miller Office Supplies, the second-largest independent and the largest woman-owned office products dealership in Northern Virginia/DC region.

This event offered lots of networking opportunities and smaller breakout sessions, and feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive:

[The conference was] Informative, engaging and powerful.

Very informative and empowering for women.

The speaker for the luncheon had a marvelous story.

I recently lost my job to downsizing. This workshop came at the perfect time for me. I learned so much in the “Re-inventing yourself during employment transition” breakout session. The presenters were all very informative.