
Senator Warner was in Richmond today to check-in with small business owners who are facing the challenges of the tough economy head-on.  

The conversation focused on Senator Warner's efforts to help reopen the clogged lines of credit for small business owners, many of whom are struggling to buy inventory and hire workers.  He gave them an update on his work with the Treasury Department to increase lending through local and community banks.  

Senator Warner also answered a lot of questions about the latest health care bill, which was introduced in the Senate this week.  Senator Warner said the health care debate is critical for small business owners, who often find they cannot afford to provide coverage for their employees under the current system.  

"You are the only people who pay retail in America," he said.  (Click here to watch Senator Warner's statement on the Senate floor on how health care reform will help small businesses.)

He said he was encouraged that the Senate bill costs less and reduces the federal deficit more than the House bill that was recently approved.  While he said he is still looking for more cost containment measures, the proposal is a step in the right direction.  

"I've spent 20 years working on health care. ... I've dealt with it as a private employer, I've dealt with it for the [Virginia Healthcare] Foundation, and I dealt with it as Governor.  I was hired to do what I think is right.  I think the choice of doing nothing is a financial disaster."  

During the meeting, Senator Warner told the group that he intends to vote this weekend in favor of bringing the health care bill to the Senate floor for debate.  That way, he said, he and other Senators will have a chance to strengthen and improve the bill through floor amendments before a final vote later this year.  

"I think it's [the Senate bill] gotten better, but it's still got a ways to go," he said.